Welcome to the world of the LumenPunks™
A collection of 50 original artworks created by German artist
Kastor Jürgen Fischer (“KJF”, 1943-2022) in the cyber punk era, between 1984-1986.

As part of the LUMEN ART Project, the LumenPunks™ will be presented to the public for the first time—using NFT technology and the principles of the web3 art ecosystem.

Elevating the first posthumous digital artist to blockchain fame.

With the help of a community of BELIEVERS, art collectors and web3 enthusiasts, we‘re digitizing, verifying, and cataloging KJF‘s entire oeuvre—a collection of 1000+ original artworks. Ensuring every suitable data point finds its place on-chain. Art historians are already testifying—spoiler alert—this is art with a capital A.

KJF’s art will be made available in a variety of ways: Originals, prints, NFTs, merchandise, cooperations with brands, licensing — you name it, we're on it.

And guess what? Via fractional ownership, Artwork NFT holders will participate in the proceeds of “their“ artwork!

Building a digital home for an artist’s legacy through web3.

The Long Term Mission: With funding coming in from art, NFT, merch & more , we will establish the KJF Foundation, which will permanently manage KJF’s artistic estate, ensure a decent living for his widow and actively promote artists from around the globe, e.g. by granting scholarships and other forms of funding for artists and art projects.

Ready to be part of KJF‘s legacy?

To witness a late artist‘s rise to fame through the blockchain? If you‘re up for an electrifying ride filled with a dash of fun, a splash of irony and touching art, then buckle up—and become a BELIEVER!